Bank account opening tips: for university students in Cardiff

International students can follow the following steps to open bank accounts before arriving here in Cardiff:
Finish process of online enrolment
Students can use their respective username and password to log in to their university student account and complete their process of online enrolment. Thereafter, they can collect their student ID and generate a bank letter. Please remember to collect your student ID before generating the bank letter.
Make a bank letter
Students intending to set up a new bank account need to present a letter to the bank approving the student status and precisely mention the address during the term-time. Students can also update the address later and request a bank letter through an online application. A bank letter will be issued to the student via email and shall be stored in the student records. Learners need to retain the email as banks would require it.
Again for exchange students and finishing placement at universities in Cardiff for six months or less, then options of banking are quite limited. Currently, Lloyds Bank and Santander offer banking facilities to students in Cardiff for six months or less.
Requisite documents for opening a bank account
International students need to present the following documents for opening a bank account
ยท Photo Identity Card (it can be a passport)
ยท A bank letter issued by the concerned University sanctioning registration of the student, approving the current address in the UK and overseas address of the learner, and verifying the fact that the College has corresponded with the learner at the overseas address.
ยท Respective universities will provide this bank letter once the student finishes the visa check at the university and completed the online enrolment process.
#BankLetter #Onlineenrolment #Passport #BankAccount #LloydsBank #Santander