
Category: HE Blogs

Most staff ‘feel lack of support for improving online teaching’

Jisc survey reveals staff feel innovation in remote learning is where they need more help November 29, 2021 Simon Baker Less than a fifth of UK academics say they are being given th ...

English universities risk breaking law over offer withdrawals, say ministers

Regulators push universities to remove oversubscription loopholes after surge in higher A-level grades Richard Adams Education editor Mon 29 Nov 2021 07.00 GMT Universities in Engla ...

Learn about courses, univs, scholarships at Study UK fair: Debanjan Chakrabarti of British Council

Kabir Singh Bhandari Posted on 29 Nov 2021 13:24 PM Debanjan Chakrabarti, Director, East and Northeast India, British Council, says why the UK should be the first choice for study a ...

Things you need to know to get into a UK University

The present situation concerning the pandemic and student applications for higher studies Undoubtedly, there is a complicated scenario; however, the UK remains one of the most attra ...

How mobile-assisted learning tools are transforming education?

Technology is quickly developing in different facets of modern communities, and education is no special case. Along the lines of this trend, mobile learning has come out as a new te ...

English access ‘reboot’ brings ‘high-paid jobs’ graduate targets

Universities minister to unveil access and participation changes at THE event as new director of fair access named November 24, 2021 John Morgan The universities minister is to anno ...

Largest debt amassed by student in England is £189,700

Student Loan Company reveals ‘exceptional case’ after Freedom of Information request Rachel Hall Thu 25 Nov 2021 08.19 GMT The largest amount of debt amassed by a student in England ...

England’s most prestigious universities failing to boost social mobility, IFS finds

Research comes as government details measures that compel universities to do more to help graduates Richard Adams, Education editor Wed 24 Nov 2021 06.00 GMT Well-known universities ...

Times Higher Education: 50 years of critical friendship

On 15 October 1971, the first edition of The Times Higher Education Supplement was published. In the five decades since, the publication now known as Times Higher Education has char ...

UK universities told to show ambition in graduate job targets

Threat of sanctions if they fail to reduce dropout rates and set adequate goals for helping students into work Universities in England have been told to set ambitious targets to sup ...

New levelling up plans to improve student outcomes

Universities to drive up standards in local schools and colleges through activities such as tutoring. From:Department for Education, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, and ...

Need For Prioritizing Digital Literacy: UK

Digital literacy can be referred to as the power to utilise digital tools to resolve issues, develop innovative solutions, improve communication, and get ready for the trials of a p ...

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