
Category: International Students : UK

Cutting tuition fees in England wouldn’t be good news for universities – or students

Without overhauling the market-driven system, reducing high fees will only benefit the government Mon 8 Nov 2021 10.00 GMT Lorna Finlayson The government is said to be considering r ...

Earning an Undergraduate Degree in the U.K.

U.K. colleges can be a good choice for prospective international students who want to earn a bachelor’s degree in three years. By Anayat Durrani | Nov. 8, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. D ...

Should the West recruit more students from Global South?

Scholarships can be important, but the risk of brain drain must be borne in mind, say experts November 5, 2021 Simon Baker During the UK launch of this year’s Education at a Glance ...

Cardiff University student crowdfunds £24,000 for course fees

A medical student who faced dropping out after falling behind on tuition fees has crowdfunded £24,000 in six days to help pay them off. Mazvita Manzai, a fourth year Cardiff Univers ...

NI universities can spend EU Erasmus scheme money until 2023

By Robbie Meredith BBC News NI Education Correspondent Northern Ireland’s universities, schools and colleges can continue to spend money from the EU Erasmus scheme until 2023. ...

Europe’s Golden Visa for Indian students: What it is and who can apply

Subhadrika Sen Posted on 05 Nov 2021 14:41 PM Summary Golden Visa programmes allow international students to study and work in the country they are applying to Ireland, Germany, Fra ...

Top five skills for international students to succeed in UK higher education

Presenting the top five skills for international students to succeed in UK higher education. So what are the rules for success when you are UK based international student. You will ...

Government should make it easier for foreign students to remain in UK after university, concludes re

Government-commissioned review says students should continue to be included in net migration figures Chris Baynes Tuesday 11 September 2018 18:23 Ministers should relax rules on for ...

Nine in 10 university students have received at least one Covid jab

Students across the UK have returned to university in recent weeks Eleanor Busby Friday 22 October 2021 15:48 Nine in 10 university students have received at least one Covid-19 vacc ...

Universities should not opt for online learning to cut costs, minister says

‘Online should never be used as a cost-cutting exercise or to devalue education,’ Michelle Donelan tells MPs Universities should not opt for online learning instead of face-to-face ...

How to change UK companies perception about UK International student’s employability factor

In an ever growing multicultural world, UK stands out in both UK academia and UK job/career destination attracting individuals from world over. However, the reality of UK job market ...

Exclusive: Students were given £140m in rent refunds last academic year

On average, each student was refunded £1.5k Danny Shaw Students who were told they couldn’t return to halls last academic year were given £139.1m in rent refunds or credits. This su ...

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