Changes in Education Sector – How to Cope?

The Changes in Education Sector are now pretty prominent just like other sectors in the post-pandemic atmosphere. The rapid advancement of technology ensures rapid changes in human life in all aspects making itself an inevitable part of human survival. Before the Covid-19 Pandemic education sector was including technology gradually for specific activities. During the pandemic when it became almost impossible to continue the primary activities of the Education Industry, Teaching and Learning, it accepted the assistance of technology for its overall functioning.
Apart from the technological aspect, changes have also been taking place in curricula, grading, and the admission process. Let’s look at the major Changes in Education Sector that took place during the last few years.
Read Here: Technology in Education – A Brief Discussion
Significant Changes in Education Sector
The most significant changes that took place in Education Sector almost worldwide include –
- Blended Learning Mode
- Flipped Classroom Learning Strategy
- The digitalisation of different processes such as Classroom Interactions, Admission and Enrollment, Fee deposit etc.
- Online mode of Examination
- Addition of Coding, AI, and Machine Learning as subjects in lower grades.
Read Here: Flipped Classroom – The “New Normal” of Education Industry

How To Cope With the Changes
Students, Teachers, Parents – all individuals related to the education sector are having to go through some sort of challenges while adapting to these changes quickly to prevent disruption. Here are a few methods following which coping with Changes in Education can be easier.
For Students & Parents
Students who are in higher standards or college/university are having trouble coping with the new system compared to their counterparts in lower standards. Children who started schooling during and after a pandemic are getting introduced to academics through the new systems, unlike the young adult students who are habituated to the traditional methods of studying. Young adult students in the new academic world can –
Take the Advantage of the Use of Technology for Studies:
Technology is opening doors to chests of resources and knowledge for students willing to know more. Grab this advantage and gather knowledge on your subjects and reflect them in your answers during the examination. It will help you get unbelievable results in the exams.
Mindset is Everything:
Look at the opportunities this new educational environment is providing the students. Such as increased time for learning and fun activities, decreased transportation time, all-time available learning resources, increased interaction time with classmates and teachers in the class and more. Moreover, the processes that would take forever before digitalisation like making enrollment, admission processes, fees submission, and project submission are now matters of just a few clicks. Focus on enjoying these privileges rather than thinking of the difficulties that might occur due to the changes because, after all, everything comes with its opportunities and difficulties!
Keep A Balance Between New & Conventional Study Methods:
Although, you can complete almost 80% of your learning activities online, do not opt for that. Give some time to make handwritten notes instead of typed ones. Read your books instead of reading online articles and resources all the time. Indulge in manual learning tasks as much as possible before and after the required screen time. This way you can avoid extra time in front of the screen to keep your mental and physical health away from the harmful effects of digital devices.
Taking Care of Technology Usage:
In the era of blended learning methods and Flipped Classrooms, this needs to be taken care of so that the students do not misuse the internet and technical facilities. At home, during study time this is the parent’s responsibility to review the homework, analyse the requirements for learning lessons and restrict screen time according to the analysed necessity. To reduce screen time and prevent technology addiction in students, the parent should encourage their kids to play outside, read different books and enjoy quality time with family and friends.
Do Not Lose Your Innate Learning & Development Skills:
A tendency of making the internet the go-to person for everything and completing all tasks using devices demolishes the natural learning capacity and development skills in a student. In long term, it can turn out to be very dangerous and reduce your productivity and employability.
Read Here: Student’s Mental Health – Importance & Support

For Teachers
In the new education systems, teachers are having to go through changes. They are those individuals who as students enjoyed an academic system. In their career, they have been habituated to teaching and providing student support in another system and now there is a new system consisting of several new features they need to adapt. To make things easier teachers can –
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a tool that teachers can effectively use to improve their skills, learn new skills required for new systems and improve and develop teaching practices. CPD ensures significant growth in career for teaching professionals.
Collaborative Approaches:
Interaction with colleagues and bringing collaborative approaches to teaching can be helpful for both teachers and students ensuring productive functioning. Develop new and creative teaching approaches to deal with students pursuing their academic careers in this new environment.
Acknowledge the Changes for Good:
Experts believe the education system with the help of technology has reached its new height, especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic. They also hope for even better outcomes which can be obtained through further development and changes. So, accepting changes as an integral part of the education sector may help teachers focus on the desired outcomes in terms of student growth and performance.
Review & Reuse:
Developing new approaches, methods, and materials and delivering them in time is needed only after the intervals for reflection. At a regular interval take a pause to measure how your approaches are doing and how much growth they can bring to your students and to your career. Review and analyse them and pick up the best ones that can be beneficial for both the student and you. Create your own learning materials for students and re-use them to save time.
Prioritise Yourself:
In the changed educational systems teachers are having to put increased efforts and time into their work for personalised learning methods. This, in long term, may take a toll on their mental and physical wellbeing. Strictly defining work time and personal time is required for teachers to have their own life out of students’ requirements. Also, developing fun learning activities for the students can make work time more enjoyable and rejuvenating. Availability of your support for students and parents should maintain a specific time frame.
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Winding Up!
The most endurable thing and only constant of human life is change. Without it, we can never develop and progress in anything. When a change is brought to a conventional system by experts it can be considered to be for better outcomes. Changes in Education System are no exceptions. Although these new features are coming with bunches of disadvantages as well, constant development and more changes are the only things which will take them near perfection resulting in unimaginable growth for everyone involved.
Featured Image Courtesy: Unsplash
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