Check your resume before it checks you!

Is your resume stopping you from securing your dream job? Check your resume before it checks you! The current post points out certain simple things that you can keep in mind to make sure your resume for a dream job stands out from the crowd. There is a secret to securing your dream job. A thorough understanding of the way the recruitment system functions will help the applicant in getting his dream job. Several candidates often speculate the reasons why they never hear anything back after attending an interview session or after sending their job applications to companies. The current post points out certain simple things that you can keep in mind to make sure your resume stands out from the crowd.
Poor design of the resume
Indeed, the looks and the design of the resume will certainly have an immense impact on potential recruiters and affect your job success. If your resume is poorly formatted with no breaks/headings, then potential recruiters will tend to ignore it and toss it aside. Similarly, certain employers will also scan your resume and search for keywords. Therefore, the way the resume is formatted will impede these scanners and stop them from functioning properly. For example, using lines to divide and break up different sections might stop the software from scanning properly.
Poor layout of the resume
A strong graphical layout and impressive appearance on your resume are as important as the content and have a powerful impact. Therefore, it is important to use an appropriate format with separate sections that can help the reader in searching for the information they are looking for quickly. A classic resume will contain the following sections as mentioned below:
Profile Summary or Background
Work Experience
Academic Qualifications
Training or Certifications
Significant Accomplishments
Inadequacy of new and relevant skills
Irrespective of what job you are applying for, you need to have pertinent skills mentioned in your resume to secure the job/the position you are applying for. Lack of new and relevant skills for modern and advanced workplaces is certainly holding back applicants from securing the position. You might have certain skills; however, you might not possess the ones that are needed for advanced workplaces. For that, it is advisable to develop new skill sets to fit in the workplace.
Lack of relevant experience
Lack of relevant experience is also another impediment in the way of getting your dream job. To put it more precisely, if your work experience does not match that of the one you are applying for, then it can hinder your chances of securing the position you have applied for. Therefore, it is important to spend some time going out there in the industry and gain some entry-level experience in the industry you are venturing into. This implies applying and securing some part-time work, working as a freelancer, or just trying some entry-level work or just volunteering at organizations. Once you gain some pertinent experience in the sector, the possibilities of securing the position will certainly increase.
Grammatical errors, typing errors, and other mistakes
It is seen that more than half of resumes screened every day contain errors. When hiring managers shortlist the CVs for shortlisting, a grammatical or typing error can make a lot of difference. Errors in your CV give the impression that you have lack of attention to detail that many positions require and you are careless.
Lack of accomplishments
The section of accomplishments on your resume gives you the chance to shine and associate with the recruiter. A lot of applicants find it extremely difficult in pointing out significant achievements; therefore here are certain specific questions that you can ask yourself before noting down your accomplishments in your resume for securing a dream job.
What are the business issues you have solved?
What are the procedures you have planned and formulated?
Have you trained other employees?
What have you changed or improved in the workplace/or in any specific project?
Could you ever exceed your targets?
Did you ever win any awards?
Have you received accolades/appreciation from management or peers?
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