Considering the option to study at Nottingham- Quickly go through the List

The city is unquestionably well-liked and accepted by students and receives lots of praise in student surveys for its thriving student lifestyle, nightlife, and sociability. The current segment mentions the popular universities in this region.
1. University of Nottingham, Nottingham
The University of Nottingham is a well-known public research university situated in Nottingham, United Kingdom. It was set up as University College Nottingham in the year 1881 and was accorded a royal charter during 1948. The University of Nottingham has its place in the top research concentrated Russell Group association. With university grounds in the UK, Malaysia, and China, the University of Nottingham has a worldwide reputation for instruction quality and excellence in research. This institution of higher education presently ranks amongst the leading 25 academia in the UK and has more than 40,000 students with 12,000+ international students. Year by year, learners from over 130 nations decide on the study at the University of Nottingham, thereby making it one of the most varied and multiethnic in the UK.
Concerning its program outline, the University of Nottingham is delivering 343 undergraduate along with 368 postgraduate programs as of 2021. Of the plenty of programs offered by the university, the institution is universally acknowledged for courses in the field of Nursing Programs, Education and Training Courses, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, and Veterinary Disciplines. Additionally, the university has also prospered and attained distinction in the field of research and at present ranks at #8 in the UK with an exciting research bag worth more than 766 million GBP.
The world ranking of the University of Nottingham is mentioned below:
99 as per QS Global World Ranking in the year 2021
158 as per World University Rankings during 2021 by THE
142 as per U.S. News and World Report in 2021
131 according to CWUR world ranking in the year 2020
101-150 as per ARWU by Shanghai Rankings (ARWU) in 2020
Campus Facilities:
The University of Nottingham has all eight campuses, counting the University of Nottingham Malaysia and China precincts. In the UK, the main campus of the institution is University Park Campus. Apart from the main campus, the University of Nottingham has the following campuses:
Jubliee Campus is a centre for Nottingham University Business School, School of Education and Computer Science, National College of Leadership of Schools, and Children’s Service.
Sutton Bonington Campus is addressing the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine.
King’s Meadow Campus is a centre for Manuscripts and Special Collections.
Medical School is mainly for the students of Life Science Education, Medicine, and Health Disciplines. Additionally, this campus has a Centre for Clinical Skills, laboratories, and Medical Library.
Royal Derby Hospital and Nottingham City Hospital are locations for University Hospital students undertaking Medical courses.
Accommodation Facilities
There are around 13 self-accommodated residence halls situated in University Park and 2 residence halls located in Jubilee Campus, 2 residence halls entirely for graduates, and 5 furnished residence halls. There are added residences for Royal Derby Hospital Medical School as well as Lincoln Medical School students.
2. Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham Trent University is a well-known research university situated in Nottingham, England. Its origins go back to the year 1843 with the founding of the Nottingham Government School of Design, which subsists even today. It is the 9th major university in the UK (out of a total of 169) with more than 35,785 students divided over five diverse campuses. Nottingham Trent University campuses include the city campus, the Clifton campus, the Brockenhurst campus, and others.
Student review of Nottingham Trent suggests that it holds 8th place out of 10th in terms of placements. This is maintained by the fraction of university graduates (97%) searching for occupations within 6 months of graduation.
It is accepted among the topmost 20 institutions of higher education in the UK for student experience according to Times Higher Education.
The University has spent approximately 450 million GBP in the past decade for improvising its facilities as well as infrastructure.
Nottingham Trent University also ranks 57th as per Times Higher Education Impact rankings (2020) for its involvement in the field of research and influence on the world.
Nottingham Trent University Ranking
The world ranking of Nottingham Trent University is hereby mentioned below:
601–800th in World University Rankings 2021 conferred by Times Higher Education
57th Impact Rankings during 2020 given by Times Higher Education
151-200th Young University Rankings during 2020 by Times Higher Education
751 – 800th in QS World University Ranking 2021.
301 – 500th in Graduate Employability Ranking 2020 by QS World University Ranking
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