COVID-19 mental wellbeing information for UK university students

COVID-19 mental wellbeing information for UK university students, particularly among young people is on the upswing. Young people studying in universities, should be taught the importance of sleep, exercise and socializing to tackle the global mental health crisis heightened by the COVID19 pandemic. The first two helps to build the immunity in the student body, while the third factor of socialisation helps to share your post COVID19 long tail symptoms if you have any. Communicating your distress also spreads awareness amongst the other international students in UK University.
The 2020 pandemic has been one of the major drivers in the overall decline of student mental wellbeing and in the exacerbation of the age-related differences. The report continues: “This finding tracks with other reports that the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic are having a disproportionate impact on the young,” despite the fact that this group is at the least risk from COVID-19 itself.
Of the respondents, 3.9% reported having had COVID-19, with 0.7% having been severely ill. However, 57% said they had experienced negative health, financial and/or social consequences of the pandemic. Those worse affected were students who were unable to get medical help for existing health conditions due to COVID19 pandemic and those who lost a close family member to the virus.
Struggling to afford basic necessities during COVID19 pandemic was cited as a problem by 1.4% of respondents to the survey. Their MHQ (mental health quotient) scores were 55 points lower than those who experienced no such financial setbacks.
Among its recommendations for addressing student mental health the current crisis – and any potential future repetitions – the report urges a combination of personal responsibility along with strategic interventions from policy-makers and government.
Sleep, social interaction and exercise substantially impact all facets of mental function.
Respondents who said they usually got enough sleep, social interaction and physical exercise had higher MHQ scores than those who did not. The importance of these activities needs to be included in the range of topics discussed in universities and schools where there are vaccines being rolled out, according to the report, as a way of delivering education on important wellbeing skills.
Steps also need to be taken to counterbalance the effects of policies, that have led to periods of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly where young people are concerned.
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