CV tips for recent university graduates

CV tips for recent university graduates
Use a clear format
It is important to have a clear format for any CV. For this, it is important to concentrate on the ordering as you need to grab the attention of the readers to the most essential aspects first. Do remember to present all the relevant skills and accomplishments on the first page of the CV to attract recruiters and encourage them to continue reading. Also, it is important to organize the CV into different sections and make sure that you label them properly with a distinct and bold heading. This CV needs to start with a personal statement and then continue to mention your job experiences and then educational details. Any experience/educational details need to be presented in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent ones presented at the top. In conjunction with this, it is important to customize your CV for different jobs you apply for.
Personal profile/ Include a personal statement
You can start writing the CV with a brief description of your profile (that is, include a personal statement/account) to introduce yourself and share fine points about who you are. This statement can contain three important points as mentioned below:
- What can you offer to the company
- Who you are as an individual
- What are your career objectives
You can customize your statement to fit the job you are applying for. It is also essential to state some specifics regarding the job or the company so that the hiring manager understands that you have undertaken some research and you are keenly interested to particularly work for them.
Mention your key skills
You need to mention the skills that you have developed as a student and how you will be able to transfer the skills in the field of work. This is also applicable to other skills, personality traits, and characteristics that you might have developed through your other interests, hobbies, and firsthand job experience.
Present the details of educational qualification
As you are a recent graduate, likely, you will not have lots of previous work experience. This implies that the main focus of this graduate CV will be the academic qualification details. Therefore, the first section of your CV needs to present the details of your education that include names of the educational institutes, the details of the degree/course undertaken, the duration and brief descriptions of the modules taught. Do remember to present the educational details in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recent degrees first). Also, you can list any other course/certifications that you took linked to the job that you are applying for, together with the grades/percentage of marks obtained (provided that you received good grades). For all the pertinent courses/certifications, it is important to list the skills that you acquired after successful completion of the courses (or any significant accomplishments).
Work experience
Submitting job applications without any prior experience is a tough task, however, it is certainly not impossible. You can also talk about any relevant extracurricular activities that could assist in revealing any transferable skills in a work environment. For instance, playing a team sport can help in developing a mentality of working collaboratively in a team, which again can be crucial in the place of work.
Only mention the relevant hobbies and interests
Mentioning hobbies and interests in a graduate CV are noncompulsory; however, it can certainly help you in certain situations. In case your hobbies or interests are somewhat linked to the job that you are applying for, then counting them can certainly help in presenting your personal firsthand experience and acquired skills.
Try not to exceed two pages
A graduate CV needs to narrate a story that can demonstrate your professional experience and emphasize what makes you exceptional. It is important to remember that no hiring manager wants to read a never-ending narrative or a novel while skimming through CVs. Therefore, make it short, to the point, and try not to exceed two pages.
Try to make it simple
When making your graduate CV, it is a good idea to keep things simple. Try not to go into lots of specifics regarding each of your accomplishments, work experience, educational qualifications, or skills. In its place, try to just record the highlights.
Proofread and edit
A hiring manager is going to be immensely tough about detecting any errors in the CV, only they will not give back any feedback. Therefore, it is important to ensure this does not happen.
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