Golden Rules of Job Application

Recruitment is an affair that involves people in the process and not an automated operation. Therefore, it includes a perception of people and the way they see an applicant. The current post elucidates some golden rules regarding some aspects of job applications that can let the potential employer know the candidate better as a person and can add higher value to the applicant’s background. A well-drafted job application attached with a cover letter can also help a potential employer to gauge applicants’ level of interest in a position.
Many jobs call for an alternative approach (referring to applications specific to any business entity). Again, there are also speculative applications, where no vacant position is advertised, however, a candidate can send an application with an expectation that the organization might be prepared to consider the same. If a job is offered to a candidate solely based on an application form, then it certainly becomes an extremely part of the employment contract, therefore, it must contain correct information.
Golden Rule 1: Understand the process thoroughly: Certain employers use key measures to compare applicants based on the same measures.
Golden Rule 2: Think and Understand: Take time to think and understand what exactly the employer is hunting for. Break down all the key criteria into bullet points and then include responses keeping in mind the criteria.
Golden Rule 3: Prepare yourself methodically: With more preparation, a candidate will be better equipped to provide better responses in the application form/job application. For example, a candidate can look up the annual report of the business organization (in case if it is available freely on their official website) or Google the business and read about the latest news report on the organization. Again, an applicant can also use their network to learn more about the organizational culture. These preparations can certainly help a candidate stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive edge over others.
Golden Rule 4: Simple Layout: Applicants can try to keep the layout of the Job Application simple. Time-poor employers are trying to look for the important points in a few words. Therefore, the “less is more” principle is applicable in job applications.
Golden Rule 5: Professional picture: Applicants need to include a professional head-to-shoulder smiling photo.
Golden Rule 6: Spelling and Grammar: Make sure you have double-checked your spelling and grammar in the job application form or your CV. You need to keep in mind your brand and every word that you present in the form/CV needs to be your reflection of the brand. Therefore, a grammatical error or a misspelled word can give out a negative perception of you and negatively affect your personal brand.
Golden Rule 7: Be truthful: Try to answer all the questions in the application truthfully as truth matters. It tells them that you are honest and they can trust you and all the things that you do or say. It assists them to know that they can believe all your commitments and assurances. Misrepresentation is always a sign of poor character.
Golden Rule 8: Completing the profile: Try to complete the whole profile on registered portals as it is relatively more professional and replicates applicants’ commitment.
Golden Rule 9: Cover letter: Include a professional cover letter and modify your responses for each vacant position that you apply for. The main purpose of a cover letter is to get an employer to open up and go into your resume. The procedure of tailoring your cover letter also can help you think about the job you are applying for and consider if it is the appropriate role for you.
Golden Rule 10: Social Media Pages: Try to keep your Social Media pages unspotted (free from blasphemy, vulgarity, hate speech). It’s off the record but it’s there.
Golden Rule 11: Reference Details: It is important to check the contact details of your references to make sure that they are still reachable. In general, references are examined at the final stages of the process of recruitment. In any case, one of the references mentioned by you must usually be your present or latest employer. It is customary to ask your line manager/supervisor for a reference. In case if you are unable to ask your manager, then they can instead consider asking their bosses or any other coworker who is working at a managerial position who has observed your performance for a reasonable stretch of time. However, if you do not have much professional work experience, then it will be better to find someone who has watched you do things that you need to perform now in this job. You can refer to some voluntary work or other responsibilities that you might have undertaken in a club for something. Also, you can approach your college tutor as they might have some awareness regarding how you work, and your level of commitment.
Golden Rule 12: Reading job specifications: It is important to read the job specification and given the specifications twist the CV accordingly.
Golden Rule 13: Acceptable standards: Do pay attention to the acceptable standards for CVs, photos, and signatures (if any).
Golden Rule 14: Selecting words cautiously: A potential employer is expected to spend roughly 60 seconds or less than that on scanning your application. Therefore, if the correct words leap out, then that application will become commendable and worthy of further consideration. Therefore, it is advisable to use the same words or the language that is utilized in the key criteria.
Golden Rule 15: Validate your claims: Instead of just stating the role, candidates try to mention more specifically about the role that they played.
List of Don’ts
– DO NOT scan your CV/resume and email it, instead, send it in word or pdf format
– DO NOT apply for jobs in bulk as employers can become acquainted with applicants who apply for unsuitable posts and might not be considered in the future
– DO NOT copy and paste job description, instead, personalise it copying and pasting can be a sign of sluggishness and lack of thoughtfulness to details
– DO NOT use colours in your CV that are hard to read
– DO NOT apply for jobs with incomplete CVs.
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