How to do transition of PhD skills to get jobs in UK

If you are thinking about taking PhD skills to the world of business, then you need to read on. Welcome aboard, there are confident PhDs who want to seek higher challenge in joining industry away from academia. Yes, academia and job in a business organisation is entirely opposite but is a show of your mettle, a show of your portable skills and competences in UK market. Some of the questions in your mind


How can I get a job after PhD in UK?
Which PhD is most in demand UK?
Can I switch fields after PhD?
What are transferable skills for PhD?


and for those who have submitted PhD in UK, you are wondering about – job opportunities after PhD UK , i have a PhD and can’t get a job, PhD careers outside of academia, jobs in industry after PhD, long-term career plans after PhD after PhD what next, what can you do with a PhD in law UK, after PhD what will my salary?

We focus on your ‘subject expertise’ that is the core of you and your capability which will face application test in real business environment.

1.Well-trodden subject expertise routes include:

Research for external bodies

This may be for privately owned foundations or for business organisations. Roles in industry are more numerous for scientists and engineers, but there are also many possibilities in quantitative subjects (in finance and consulting) and in social sciences (for example in thinktanks and market/ social research) as well as pockets of opportunity in the arts and business management PhDs.

Opportunities in the commercial world vary depending on subject .You may be able to offer consulting services direct to organisations in your field or via commercial consultancies. Other potential areas to apply subject knowledge are:

Academic Publishing (including writing school and undergraduate textbooks)
External Examination setting and Assessment (for professional bodies as well as academic boards)
Journalism (both print and online)
Private Tutoring for individuals and groups and Guest Lecturing.

2. The second skill Interpersonal skills

Along with the communications skills learnt in a teaching
environment you may have developed:

Influencing and negotiating skills (from writing funding bids,
securing resources from within your department etc.)
Creating and presenting ideas (in your teaching, or to draw in
external funding)
Team working

Mentoring and coaching (of early career lecturers and PhDs/post docs).

3. The third skill of PhD is Teaching skill and public speaking skills can transfer into training and development roles in private business beyond your subject area.

Your skillset may include:
Designing, preparing and delivering lectures
Designing e-learning modules
Facilitating small group seminars
Addressing peers at conferences
One to one tuition and coaching
Providing feedback and assessment.
Roles in organisations and training consultancies may include;
Delivering training and lectures
Identifying training needs for individuals and groups Designing
training interventions involving external suppliers.


Career tips for choosing Industry careers after PhD in UK is now over, choose to enter or switch to other prospective careers in UK.

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