How to write a fresher resume?

A fresher resume refers to the resume of a fresh university graduate with barely or no work experience. The emphasis of such a resume is, therefore, mainly on your strengths as an individual. It stresses your skills and capabilities to make up for your scant experience. When potential recruiters evaluate such resumes, they study whether your strengths and assets as a person can make you the right fit for the job.
How to write a fresher resume?
You can compose a fresher resume by following the below-mentioned steps:
Reread the job advertisement
Read the job description thoroughly and try to identify the keywords and keyword phrases the recruiting company included in the job description and use these to draw attention to your skills in the resume. These abilities should be pertinent to the job you are applying for currently.
State your contact information
Do not forget to include your name, address, email, phone number in the resume. Re-check the same to avoid making any mistake in the contact details you have provided.
Include your social media accounts
Incorporating any professional social media profiles (for example, LinkedIn Profiles) you have can offer the recruitment agent/recruiter added information, should they decide on searching and finding it out. Add the links to your professional social media accounts under the address section.
Write a concise personal statement
This section should mention who you are, why you are inspired and interested to be in this profession, what your professional objectives are, and any accolades or recognition you secured in school.
List your soft and hard skills
Evaluate which of your skills, abilities, and talents can help you do perform better at the job and do include those. For example, you can lay stress on your communication, relational, and conflict controlling skills for business development or customer service role. Hard skills are job-specific capacities or knowledge acquired through education, practical experience, or training. Hard skills are essentially either the technical skills required for performing a specific job or a common set of knowledge, for example, project management, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Video Editing, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Accounting and Finance, Copywriting, and many others. SO, If you are good at inscription, scheduling, planning, and organizing, include that.
Provide educational information.
It is important to List all your formal academic qualifications along with any other certifications and licenses you have acquired. Also, provide the dates/period/duration of courses completed by you.
Give work experience details
Even though you do not have considerable professional experience, you can state the details of any project undertaken by you on your own or in association with others. If you have any intern experience with any company or operated as a part-time employee at a business, it can be suitable to include that information in detail (include the name of the organization, duration of work, your responsibilities/jobs undertaken, and accomplishments if any).
Mention hobbies and interests
Mentioning your hobbies and interests can give potential employers a more all-round view of you as an individual.
Mention miscellaneous skills
It is advisable to mention your degree of fluency in any foreign language, or other skills if any. The knowledge could be crucial in getting selected for the job. Given the global stature of many establishments, applicants with multicultural skills are in high demand.
Assert your enthusiasm to learn new skills
Evolving technologies are transforming the way companies carry out business, and this is the reason why companies are increasingly searching for applicants who are keen to learn new skills and are quick learners. Emphasizing these aspects can grab the attention of prospective employers.
Proofread and edit the resume
To catch the eye and make a good impression on recruiters, it is important to show them that you are paying attention to details; therefore, it is crucial to re-check the resume thoroughly for any errors, omissions, grammatical mistakes, typing errors, and spelling mistakes.
The basic layout of a fresher resume
A distinctive layout of a fresher resume can cover the following areas:
- Name and contact info
- Career objectives/ Personal statement
- Qualifications
- Software skills
- Professional skills
- Relevant practical experience
- Achievements
- Other miscellaneous skills
- Hobbies and Interests
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