Technology in Education – A Brief Discussion

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
– Albert Einstein
The use of Technology in Education has been evolving the academic systems and classrooms of all countries for ages. Tech has always played a vital role in education until the occurrence of the Covid-19 Pandemic. During this devastating universal catastrophe, technology and its extensive usage became an inevitable necessity for the continuation of scholastic activities. Although the pandemic is almost over, we have realised the expediency of EdTech beyond an emergency.
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What is Educational Technology
Educational Technology is defined as the technical instruments exclusively used for educational operations to assist in the development, communication, and exchange of knowledge. It also involves creating new learning approaches through the latest technical inputs. Besides, with dedicated educational tools and media, other modern Digi-technical inventions are also getting included gradually in the education sector wherever applicable for better outcomes. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) authenticates the importance of Technology in education.
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Role of Technology In Education
The use of technology in the education sector has benefitted all involved in it. It includes the teachers, non-teaching workers, students, parents, and educational business owners along with the EdTech Companies providing ever new technical goods and services. Let us discuss the most prominent roles tech is playing in academics –
Education Opportunities for All:
Technology has made education and knowledge accessible to all. It can be undoubtedly termed as the biggest contribution of tech to academics. All over the world, we can find innumerable people who dropped out of school or college due to a crisis. Young individuals who stopped studying under adverse circumstances can start learning again with the help of educational technology.
Improved Academic Systems:
Technology has evolved the entire academic system by offering better accessibility and making the academic atmosphere healthy and enjoyable. This evolution reflects through a better rate of student growth mentally, physically and of course, academically.
Collaborations & Communication:
Students’ collaborations, interactions between parents, teachers, and students, and information and resource sharing have become easier than ever with the help of digital communication media. Doubt-clearing sessions between Students and teachers are also being conducted over such media.
Better Learning & Better Grades:
E-learning interests new-age students better than conventional learning systems. also, e-learning promotes asynchronous learning by letting the students go beyond syllabus limitations and learn a subject in depth by offering uncountable learning resources. Technical learning involves more visuals than books. This helps students understand and remember a subject better and perform better in examinations.

Better Teaching Opportunities:
The teachers are now able to access different digital tools and services to try different teaching approaches. The use of smartboards, gamification, etc. makes the learning process fun. Above all, teachers can use different technical services for faster student evaluation, examination, student data extraction, analysis, and other problem-solving activities.
Personalized Learning:
Technology provides students with personalised learning opportunities so that students can learn according to their learning frequency. This self-paced learning immensely benefits working students or students who take longer to understand a specific subject than others in the classroom.
Increased Employability:
In the future as predicted by experts, the entire civilisation will be totally dependent on technology. A huge percentage of jobs (if not all) will require candidates skilled in different technical skills. Inducting technology in the classrooms of students of all ages will make the students comfortable with the use of tech and will also make them more interested in technical fields. As a result, the students will graduate with increased employability and improved technical skills.
Value for Money & Time:
Academic costs can be cut for both students and education business owners by the application of technology. E-learning materials cost cheaper than offline materials. Thus storage costs, sitting costs for offline classes etc. can be cut with the increased use of e-learning technologies. Online teaching through virtual reality programs and augmented reality programs saves transportation time for both teachers and students.
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Challenges of Technology-Based Education
The use of technology in education can sometimes be tricky as high chances of misuse of the same are always there. uncontrolled use of different media and digital tools can make the students tech-addicts which is extremely harmful. Overuse of technical services may lead students to inability to normal learning and impaired natural activities. Measured and wise use of technology with immense care for the students using them can extract only the benefits of it.
Monitoring every student and all activities of an institution completely through digital services is still a challenge. It creates opportunities for students to cheat during online examinations. Also, remote learning does not involve a school-like disciplined atmosphere. So students easily get distracted by other involvements offered by modern technology.
Compared to first-world countries, developing countries are less-privileged in the effective implementation of technology-based education systems. The latest technologies are still inaccessible for a few nations in the world where the systems are occupied with conventional study methods.
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Impact of Technology on Education
Technology in Education system promotes advanced learning techniques through its instruments. It has made academics more dynamic than ever by adding many new dimensions to it. The addition of engaging audio, visual content, learning games, easily accessible learning materials, unbound resources, and customisable learning opportunities have increased the popularity of Educational Technology to the peak. It can be concluded that in the future, technology is the primary factor that will help Education System reach its greatest heights and produce amazingly talented and skilled individuals. #Stunited #StunitedJobs #StunitedNewsFeed #StunitedBlog #SocialMediaforHigherEducation #managementinternship #mbainternship #mbaworkplacement #Workplacement #graduatejobs #JobsforGraduates #NewJobOpportunities #jobsinnorthampton #socialmediaforstudents #CV #HigherEducationintheUK #HigherStudies #Internships #JobsinUK #Resume #EducationBlog #EducationArticle #Education #HigherEducation #TechnologyinEducation #EducationalTechnology #UseofTechnologyinEducation #TechnicalBenefits #Benefitsoftechnologyforteaching #TechnicalLearning #TechnicalTeaching #NewAgeEducation #NewAgeLearning #NewAgeTeaching #ImpactofTechnologyonEducation #ChallengesofEducationalTechnology #EdTech #Technology #UseofTechnology #EducationandTechnology
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