The Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs Worldwide!

The Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs In The World – The name itself clears the topic of today’s blog. So, why this topic? Answer’s here!
The concept of Social Enterprise is a well-known topic for all of us now. We know how Social enterprises are constantly leading the world towards better living conditions for all its habitants. To inspire our readers and aspirant Social Entrepreneurs worldwide, today, we are going to know about the masterminds behind such organisations. Let’s recognise their success stories and how they are positively influencing our society!
List of the Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs Worldwide:
6. Devon Fiddler – Founder of SheNative Goods Inc.

Devon Fiddler of Canada, North America, founded SheNative Goods to help indigenous women. She spreads indigenous knowledge through products (Clothes, Leather Bags etc.) that her foundation sells to make a profit. A large portion of the profit is then utilised for the cause the organisation is working for. SheNative Goods is on a mission of empowering indigenous women with careers and support. Most importantly, the organisation helps these women to overcome the violence and racial issues they constantly encounter since birth.
Read Here: Stunited – The Social Enterprise for Students
5. Urvashi Sahni – Founder of Study Hall Education Foundation

Urvashi Sahni of Lucknow, India is known as one of the Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs in the World and the best in India. She founded Study Hall Education Foundation to provide unprivileged girl children of the country with education. SHEF was established in 1986 with the mission of bringing the light of knowledge to those parts of the Indian Subcontinent nobody could think of. Sahni’s dedication, directly and indirectly, helped more than half a million girls change their lives with the power of education. The profuse passion Sahni showed for the educational empowerment of Indian Girl Children along with the success of her project brought her crown the feather of “Social Entrepreneur of the Year, 2017” along with many other recognitions, love, and respect.
Read Here: Freshly Graduates in Social Enterprises
4. Alex Stephany – Founder of Beam – Social Enterprise for the Homeless

Alex Stephany of London, UK founded his Social Enterprise Beam when he met a homeless person on his way home and realised the dreadfulness of homelessness. Beam works for such people and helps them get a career. Moreover, the organisation provides training to give people in an unthinkable condition of not having a home and a family, enough skills for jobs. As a matter of fact, the number of people who benefitted from this organisation is huge and now, they are able to help others in need.
Read Here: Sustainable Business Models – The Concept
3. Scott Harrison – Founder of Charity : Water

Scott Harrison of New York, USA, became a Social Entrepreneur when he flew to Liberia, Africa from New York for volunteer work and his mindset changed for a lifetime. Leaving behind his lavish lifestyle, Scott decided to start his non-profit venture to provide people with clean drinking water who don’t get it. Since 2006 when this organisation got established, it has supported twenty-five thousand water projects around the globe. Currently around Seven Million people from Twenty Four Countries are getting safe potable water because of Charity: Water.
Read Here: How to Make Money from A Social Enterprise
2. Muhammad Yunus – Founder of Grameen Bank

The founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh, started his venture to get the underprivileged communities of the country easy access to basic banking assistance. Grameen Bank began its journey in 1983 with a mission of making the poor financially self-supporting. It provides people with small loans without any collateral. As dangerous as this business model sounds, it is proven to be a huge success. 97 percent of the total borrowers of the bank are women and as per records, the rate of loan returns from these women is 97 percent. The success has brought Yunus uncountable awards including the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Hence, Mr. Muhammad Yunus is, undoubtedly, one of the Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs!
1. Bill Drayton – Founder of Ashoka – Innovators for the Public

Any list containing Social Enterprises or Social Entrepreneurs is incomplete without this name. Bill Drayton of the United States, the Godfather of Social Entrepreneurship, founded Ashoka to raise awareness about the importance of the foundation of social enterprises and to help other social organisations to grow. This mission aimed to produce more entrepreneurs who will work for a better world. Inspired by the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi and the story of the Indian King, The Great Ashoka, Drayton founded Ashoka in 1980 to introduce the world to the concept of Social Business. Supporting innumerable aspiring social entrepreneurs, it has created the world’s largest network of “Changemakers”.
Knowing these stories of Humanity, Will Power, Mindset, and Success, we can realise the importance of Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurs. We remain focused on personal goals, growth, and happiness until that one moment of consciousness that changes our mentality towards the people and environment around us. This moment changes our life forever and helps us find our purpose and duties as human beings. We are sure, that all the aspiring Social Entrepreneurs reading this blog right now, will get immense motivation from these stories mentioned in this blog and this motivation will help them step ahead in their journey towards becoming the next Most Influential Social Entrepreneurs the world needs!
Featured Image Courtesy: Unsplash
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