Want to avoid the Common LinkedIn Profile Mistakes?

Want to avoid the Common LinkedIn Profile Mistakes? You can consider your LinkedIn profile to be your online poster. Therefore, it is important to ensure that it is doing its jobs and properly showcasing you. Certain mistakes can damage your credibility and make it difficult for individuals who need to know about your skills and competencies to connect with you. As per my interpretations, I am listing out certain common slips below.
Bad Display Photo
The display photo is the first and foremost thing that any visitor would notice on your profile. Nevertheless, many of us fail to pay attention to this significant part by having No Image/Blurred Pic/Group Pic/Tilted Pic. An inappropriate LinkedIn profile photo displeases visitors to your profile straightaway. There is no need to get a pro headshot for LinkedIn which is as standard for models, but it is certainly important to have a head-and-shoulders photo that displays your face clearly. It is also not advisable to re-purpose a group shot that contains somebody else’s hand on your shoulder which could not be cropped, for instance.
Background Cover Photo
More than 90% of the profiles are having Blue Gradient cover photos which LinkedIn provides by default. This is not a matter of concern. Nevertheless, we can pick out diverse Cover Photo which shows Interest/Passion. Moreover, it causes the profile to look more presentable and stimulating.
Bad Headline
The LinkedIn headline (that is presented right under your name) is an essential part of one’s profile and your brand. You do not always have to use your present job title as your LinkedIn headline. You can select a LinkedIn headline that brands you more mightily. A lot of us have stated either our present designation/academic qualifications/actively pursuing a new opening. Nevertheless, it is advisable to prepare a list of our strengths and competencies in this section.
No Summary
The Summary presented right at the top of your LinkedIn profile is an extremely valuable part of your profile. For that reason, it is sensible not to waste this section by leaving it blank. Most of the profiles either have absolutely ignored or had simply mentioned career objectives in this segment. Preferably, we should provide a brief synopsis about our Career path, Key Skills, Accomplishments, and our Interests and Passion. Additionally, it would be great if we can present precise Data Points as regards our Roles/Responsibilities and Accomplishments as it would make the profile lot more professional and help avoid LinkedIn Profile Mistakes.
Career History
It is wise not to present a simple list of your past companies, job titles, and duration in the experience section of your profile. This is because visitors to your profile need more information on this; they need to know what you came through, achieved, and conquered in all the parts of your past job experiences, therefore telling them clearly. It is advisable to showcase your job responsibilities and significant results or achievements in this segment.
No Recommendations
It is extremely important to have LinkedIn recommendations and fortunately, there are uncomplicated ways to get them. To get LinkedIn recommendations, you can start leaving endorsements or good words for people you know.
No Skills and Endorsements
It is wise to List your set of skills in your LinkedIn profile. In your profile, there is an entire section dedicated just for that reason. In this case, the first-degree connections in your profile can endorse to allow the world to know that you can possess a particular skill and can do the stuff that you specifically claim you can. Lots of profiles totally overlooked this section by failing to fill in the Skills section and update the same from time to time. Furthermore, we fail to get Validations and Recommendations from our Current or Ex Coworkers which would certainly enhance the whole credibility of our LinkedIn Profile.
No Activities
You are a dynamic person with various interests and a lot of significant things happening in your life and career. So, you can mention that stuff as well. Your activities and undertakings on LinkedIn can tell the visitors on your profile about what you read, follow, and are concerned about. Therefore, it is sensible not to skip that information out of your profile.
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