What happens when you lose your documents in UK as a student

What happens when you lose your documents in UK as a student
The following are the procedures when you lose your documents in UK as a student. The procedure differs for replacing lost / stolen visas and BRPs differ depending on the type of document and whether the document was lost/stolen in the UK or overseas – you must ensure you follow the relevant instructions for your situation as outlined below.
Please email the International Student Office to make them aware you have lost your documents, and for further clarification on the process to apply for a replacement if required.
Lost your BRP overseas:
If your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) has been lost or stolen you should report the loss or theft to the Home Office via the online tool.
You need to report this to the police in the country, where the loss or theft occurred and, if possible, obtain a police report.
As it is not possible to apply for a replacement BRP outside the UK, in order to return to the UK you will then need to apply for a ‘replacement BRP visa’ single entry using the online application:
1. Select your language
2. Under ‘confirm visa type’ select”BRP Vignette Transfer”
3. Select country to provide your biometrics (then check biometric enrolment location in your country)
4. Under “apply for a replacement biometric residence permit visa, or to transfer or replace your visa (vignette) in your passport or travel document” select “apply now”
5. Select “a replacement biometric permit (BRP) visa”
The application costs £154. This replacement will let you re-enter the UK only once. When you have returned to the UK you will need to apply for a replacement BRP card (see information below). You must make your application within 1 month of returning to the UK.
Visa Application Centres offer a variety of services at an additional cost which may mean your application can be processed more quickly. You can check the availability of such services at the Visa Application Centre where you intend on applying.
Visa Application Centres offer a variety of services at an additional cost which may mean your application can be processed more quickly. You can check the availability of such services at the Visa Application Centre where you intend on applying.
Ensure you take your new BRP to your College once received as a copy needs to be scanned and uploaded to your CamSIS record.
Lost your passport overseas and you have a BRP:
If your passport is stolen, or you lose it, you should report this to the police in the country where this happened and make an application for a replacement passport. You can do this by contacting your country’s Embassy, Consulate, High Commission or passport office in the country where you are. It may take some time to receive a new passport.
Please note that you cannot travel without a passport, even if you have a Biometric Residence Permit. The Border Force officers will not grant you entry to the UK without your passport.
Ensure you take your new passport to your College once received, a copy needs to be scanned and uploaded to your CamSIS record.
Lost your BRP in the UK:
In order to replace your BRP you must report the lost / stolen BRP to the Police in the UK and obtain a police report, or crime reference number if possible.
If you have more than 3 months left of your leave (immigration permission to be in the UK on your student visa) it is mandatory to replace your BRP. If you have between 1-3 months remaining, applying for a replacement is optional and for less than 4 weeks of leave you do not need to apply.
You will need to apply for a replacement BRP online.
It can take up to 8 weeks for a new BRP to be issued. There is a super priority service available which can be selected as part of the online application. It can still take a couple of weeks to receive the new BRP using this service, and is subject to appointment availability to enrol your biometrics. You are required to attend an appointment to enrol your biometrics within 45 days of submitting your online application.
The Home Offices uses UK Visas and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) to manage the appointment system. Appointments are offered in different locations and the cost varies depending on your choice. Appointments are subject to availability and therefore may not be available at your preferred location:
An appointment to enrol your biometrics at a Core Service Points is free of charge during core operational hours. The nearest Core Service Point is in Croydon, London. How quickly you will be able to secure an appointment is subject to availability. Appointments outside of core hours may be available at a cost.
There is an Enhanced Service Point in Cambridge Central Library in the Grand Arcade. There is an additional charge to book an appointment. Appointment available outside of core hours may be available at an increased charge.
When applying for your replacement BRP you are advised to upload any supporting documentation prior to your appointment as you may be charged an additional fee to have your supporting documents uploaded at the appointment.
Ensure you take your new BRP to your College once received, a copy needs to be scanned and uploaded to your student record.
Lost your passport in the UK:
If you are in the UK and your passport is stolen, or you lose the original, you must report this to the UK police and make an application for a replacement passport. You do this by contacting your country’s Embassy, Consulate, High Commission or passport office in the UK.
Please note that you cannot travel without a passport, even if you also have a Biometric Residence Permit. The Border Force officers will not grant you entry to the UK without your passport.
The cost of a replacement passport will vary depending on your nationality, as Embassies have their own policies and procedures.
Once you have received it, you must ensure you take your new passport to your College, a copy needs to be scanned and uploaded to your student record.
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