
Author: Dr Sandip Sanyal

Higher Education & Career Blogger

Tricky internship interview questions for UK students

Tricky internship interview questions for UK students is like a Bible, for those who got UK internship interview call. From the vast UK student counselling experience in academics, ...

Top five skills for international students to succeed in UK higher education

Presenting the top five skills for international students to succeed in UK higher education. So what are the rules for success when you are UK based international student. You will ...

How to apply for internships in UK

  Finding an ideal UK job is so hard now a days, and competition has led to rise in the application in internships in UK. It works when international students in UK do not have ...

UK scholarship update for international students in 2021

Top UK scholarship update for international students in 2021 are as follows. The push and pull of international higher education market, has UK at the centrality of quality educatio ...

How to change UK companies perception about UK International student’s employability factor

In an ever growing multicultural world, UK stands out in both UK academia and UK job/career destination attracting individuals from world over. However, the reality of UK job market ...

How to communicate student competence and likability

Well, having obtained UK degrees is half battle won? How to communicate student competence and likability to your prospective UK employer? Yes, it is all about holding conversation, ...

Three things for UK students to get a UK job offer

Lets start by asking what are the three things for UK students to get UK job offer? You will answer depends on the UK audience, yes that’s true. We at STUNITED.org in UK, found out ...

Update on Post study work permit in UK 2021

Post study work permit in UK 2021 has become interesting as UK Home Office has opened the Graduate route visa for the eligible international students in UK universities. Please reme ...

How to sell yourself in UK job market in 2021

Often you might be asking yourself how to sell yourself in UK job market in 2021? Well, so how do you do it actually? The world of communication divided into face to face communicat ...

Working in Britain after your degree in 2021

So if you are an international student, Working in Britain after your degree in 2021, then you must be aware of the British government Graduate route in 2021. There is a new Graduat ...

Who can apply for PSW Post study work in UK 2021?

Who can apply for PSW Post-study work in UK 2021, Is this a question that is hovering in your mind? Well to everyone out there, Diploma courses are not in the UK PSW list, that allo ...

PSW Post study work in UK 2022

You are an international student and want to know about PSW Post study work in UK 2022? Then read on to know more about PSW Post study work in UK 2022. Recently the UK government th ...

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