
Category: International Students : UK

Sajid Javid says he would lift work restrictions on international students if elected Tory leader

It makes no sense to send some of the brightest and most enterprising people in the world straight home after their time here’, says home secretary Samuel Osborne,Eleanor Busb ...

Durham University student’s clean energy device earns global prize

A Durham University student has won a global award for his work in trying to combat energy poverty. Jeremiah Thoronka received a one-off prize of $100,000 (£74,741). The 21-year-old ...

Why Is It Important For UK Universities To Enter Into Indian Partnerships?

Indians learning in the UK is an important part of the strong partnership in education that subsists between the two nations. The progressively growing connections between universit ...

The future of Education is in Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence can roughly be referred to as the knowledge that emerges together in a group, which can be utilized more intelligently/perceptively than any one person indiv ...

UK adviser on ministers’ interests faces pressure over own financial interests

Exclusive: Academics call on Christopher Geidt to step aside from role as chair of a London university Rowena Mason Fri 12 Nov 2021 12.19 GMT Boris Johnson’s independent adviser on ...

Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the UK

Developing economic prosperity, maintaining equality of available opportunities, and building strong communities are key goals for the United Kingdom. Technical vocational education ...

Trends exerting impact on the Higher Education Sector in the UK

The higher education sector in the United Kingdom is going through a period of significant transformation. This is mainly driven by various factors: political, economic, and technol ...

Working while Studying: Provisions and Rules for International Students

Have you considered working part-time while studying in the UK? If so, then, it is important for you to become aware of work placement details, working hours, and works you can or c ...

How to stand out in an Interview and gain a competitive edge over others?

Job markets are becoming extremely competitive day by day. The most crucial thing for job seekers entering this job market is to stand out in an interview as an extraordinary one to ...

Will England go it alone and reverse university expansion?

Any move to limit higher education participation would be judged against policies of rival advanced economies – and by public opinion October 20, 2021 John Morgan Is the Westminster ...

The COVID pandemic has harmed researcher productivity – and mental health

Surveys show that women, parents of young children and people of colour are most affected by pandemic-related disruptions and need more support. The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously ...

Nicola Dandridge to step down from Office for Students next year

Chief executive’s departure may help new chair to reshape English sector regulator November 9, 2021 Chris Havergal Nicola Dandridge will step down as chief executive of England’s hi ...

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