Did you know that that over 70% of CVs get rejected in the initial screening. Research undertaken by career coach and author Orville Pierson also suggests that an average job seeker is rejected and turned down by 24 decision-makers/acquisition experts before they finally get the “yes”. It is also quite obvious that when hiring managers are looking through thousands of job applications trying to choose the right candidates to interview, why would they select someone who hasn’t even taken enough care to submit a proper CV? So, you might have applied to numerous vacant internship positions but still, you are failing to get any positive response from the hiring managers. In that case, it might be the case that your CV is failing to pass on the applicant tracking methods, and finally not qualifying for the roles for which you are adequately qualified without a doubt. Submitting a well-drafted CV can help you to showcase your skills and abilities to your prospective employers and show why you are an ideal candidate for the position you are applying for.
If your resume is failing you, call or text us at 01604328800 and let’s talk. Have a look at our CV templates here. Experts at Stunited Team can help you create a resume that can increase your chances of success.
In this post, we share 10 simple steps to write a CV for an internship
Main sections and elements to include:
Contact information: In this section, you will have to include your full name first, and then mention your term time address, email address, phone number, and links to professional networking site (such as LinkedIn). You need to present these details right at the top of the page. This is an important piece of information in a CV for internship; therefore, make it legible and clear.
Objective or personal statement: In the career objective section, you can write two to three sentences stating your future goals/objectives. However, in place of career objective, you can also write a profile summary/statement describing who you are, who you are, what are your skills, why they should hire you, explain your career goals and try to set yourself apart from other applicants.
Additional languages: If you know multiple languages, then it is crucial to make a list of all the languages in a separate section in your CV for internship. Also, do remember to mention the level of proficiency in case of reading, writing, and speaking (1 – Elementary Proficiency, 2 – Limited Working Proficiency, 3 – Professional Working Proficiency, 4 – Full Professional Proficiency, 5 – Native / Bilingual Proficiency).
Educational history: Your academic details are another important element in your CV. List all the academic qualifications linked to undergraduate and post graduate education. You need to mention the name of the educational institute, the degree obtained, area of specialization, duration of the course (start date and end date), and a gist of the modules taught. You can also include the details of the course that are currently pursuing, even if results are awaited or you are yet to graduate from the academic course.
Key skills and qualifications: For crafting a CV for applying for an internship program, it will be important for you to concentrate on both hard and soft skills that you’ve acquired while studying, or any technical experience or career related skills. In the CV, you can also mention how and what skills you have acquired from each academic experience or job exposure separately.
Awards and scholarships: In this segment, you can mention the academic, career, or other relevant accolades, awards, honors you have achieved in your CV for internship.
Work experience: A detailed account of career history is an essential part of a CV. In case if you don’t have any work experience yet, then you can even include related volunteer experience and try to relate the skills that you have acquired from that exposure to the skills required for the internship you’re applying for.
Other work experience: For other work experience that is not directly associated with your profession/line of business but still useful for illustrating your academic qualifications and skills can be mentioned in a separate segment as part of your CV.
Extracurricular activities and volunteer experience: Extracurricular activities or any volunteer experience that is not related to work can still offer essential information regarding your values, outlook, character and passion. These involvements can be vital to hiring managers and can be typically included in a CV.
Certifications and relevant training: In this segment, you will have to write down a list of all the certifications you’ve earned, or any pertinent training programs you’ve joined that are related to your present educational or career goals.
Resume Mistakes Become Deal-Breakers. Carrying a trash CV can cost you an internship offer. But getting it done properly is just another thing on your endless to-do list. Look through our templates. Get your internship CV designed by Stunited experts, here.
Not sure where to go? Consult with professionals for free.
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