How mobile-assisted learning tools are transforming education?

Technology is quickly developing in different facets of modern communities, and education is no special case. Along the lines of this trend, mobile learning has come out as a new technological accomplishment and educational trend that offers educators as well as students with ample opportunities. As per Project Tomorrow Speak Up Research Survey, the faculty can observe huge positive influence on learners from the usage of online tools of learning. Approximately, 52% affirm that their learners show greater inclination to study, 36% confirm that learner develop skill and imagination to create new things, 29% of the faculties approve the fact that e-learning tools can boost critical thinking skills and the other state that learners develop the ability to take ownership of their studying and start implementing the knowledge to practical issues. The current post discusses the way mobile-assisted learning tools helps students in changing the process of learning and the way it actually materializes in institutes imparting higher education.
Fosters Student-Tutor Engagement
Research reports have repetitively revealed positive learning influence on learners utilizing digital technologies or new and innovative Learning Management Systems (LMS). Students get the opportunity to be more interactive with tools such as inbuilt quizzes, activity walls, webinars, and discussion forums.
An effective way to associate and engage with learners is by accessing or entering into their smartphones. At the present time, millenarians are more absorbed in their mobile phones in comparison to their desktop computers, laptop or tablet.
Learning application helps in brining virtual classroom practices into the mobile devices with extensive range of web conferencing applications that permit users to collaborate, attend group meetings, and participate in group chats and many more. Also, learners get the chance to progress their learning process by uploading pdf files, audio or videos, and images and share the same with others and straightaway develop collective intelligence. The most outstanding feature of mobile learning is that learners can participate in live sessions, attend exams live, auto assess by means of predetermined questions with right answers.
Assists self-learning practice
Certainly, mobile based online learning process directs the way for personalized and adapted learning interest. In line with a study undertaken – From Chalkboards to Tablets, roughly 57% of learners affirm that they take thorough control of their education and operate in their own field. Again, another 46% of learners are reported to prefer effective assessment of course constituents as and when they desire and 42% state that mobile learning provides them a better sense of freedom than conventional classroom education. The Mobile LMS develops a self-learning setting with online analysis and quizzes, providing learners the chance to introspect.
Analysis of learning resources, coursework, assessments, and assignments
With online applications and mobile apps, learners can instantly get accessibility to learning materials and resources from anywhere. Educators can plan assessments of different types with Descriptive questions, objective questions, multiple choice questions and much more. Thereafter, learners can take up the online assessments in real-time and submit them seamlessly in an instant.
Segregated Instruction
Teachers can offer differentiated instructions to students with the help of mobile learning. Educators can frame multiple instruction processes to cater to the requirement of different categories of learners with varying competency levels. The course materials, assessments and project work can be tailored based on the particular needs of different groups of learners through software programs and specific mobile applications.
Improved Communication
Nowadays, e-learning tools have in-built advanced features for carrying out effectual communication. Faculties can take control of the entire communication process with student and guardian via email, chat, or messaging options. Instantly, they can send notifications as well as reminders regarding pending tasks (assessment deadlines, homework submissions, progress report and many others). This increased communication can assist students as well as their guardian to stay well-informed regarding the progresses made and performance.
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