Things you need to know to get into a UK University

The present situation concerning the pandemic and student applications for higher studies
Undoubtedly, there is a complicated scenario; however, the UK remains one of the most attractive destinations for International Students. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic, the total number of international students has increased massively. As per a recent report conducted by the UK Home Office, roughly 56,093 visas were issued to students from India alone by the UK between the period April 2020-March 2021, reflecting a 13% increase as compared to the year-ago period.
Popular universities and courses in the UK
As per the reports presented by the Higher Education Statistical Agency (abbreviated as HESA), currently, the most popular paths for transnational students in the UK are Business and Administrative Educations, Engineering, Science and Technology, Social Studies, subjects related to Medicine, Arts and Design, BioSciences, Law and Computer Science. However, there is an amplified interest in courses like Social Sciences, Architecture, and construction.
Benefits for students going to the UK as compared to other countries
One of the main benefits is the Graduate Route that permits the majority of the students to work at a fitting level for 2 years (3 years in the case of doctoral students). The QS World University Rankings 2022 report mentions that four out of the top 10 universities in the whole world are from the UK, reflecting the standard of academic excellence. Also, the graduates from the UK universities are considered to be one of the most employable across the world. In addition to the world-class learning facility, studying in the UK helps students to create a robust global network that nurtures progression in careers.
Entry Requirements
To get into a UK university, you need to thoroughly follow the steps as mentioned below:
Entry procedures
– It is important to know about UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) as it is considered as a ticket to get into a UK-based institution. For applying to UK-based institutions, students have to just write one personal statement and can apply to most 5 universities and carry out the entire work through one portal.
– Students have to ensure that they meet all the entry requirements.
Selecting a course and university
For applying to the UK, students need to select their course before sending applications to the universities. Students’ eagerness to study the subject should be reflected right at the beginning of the application. Students can choose up to 5 universities for studying, therefore, students can research and find out the institutions that are offering their preferred course. Students can explore the official website of the universities and make a note of the UCAS codes of the universities.
Writing a unique personal statement
A unique personal statement can help you gain an edge over other applicants and can be the key to students’ success when competing with students with the same grades. Aspirants need to complete the statements within 47 lines (roughly 4000 characters) to present themselves and express their passion for their chosen course/subject. Learners need to write in detail the aspects that interest them, the reason behind choosing the course, and things that they have done to show their dedication to this particular subject.
Apply through UCAS
The UCAS site is relatively easy to navigate and it will direct the students through the entire application process. Applicants need to fill up the personal information section, mention the UCAS codes that they collected earlier at the time of selecting the course and universities, and compose a personal statement. Through this portal, identical applications will be sent to all the universities that students applied for. Presently, UCAS charges £13 if students are applying to only one university and for one course otherwise, the charge is £24 if students are applying to multiple universities/courses. Upon selection, students will get a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) form which is a computer-generated document with an exclusive reference number sent to students by the university that accepted the application and selected the student. It is important to keep this document in safe custody as applicants would need this to apply for a student visa.
Making Immigration Health Surcharge Payments
To become eligible for free healthcare facilities during education, students need to pay a sum of £150 as Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) charge, which will provide medical coverage to the student for a year. It is important to retain the receipt of this document to apply for a student visa.
Vaccination status system for international arrivals
Currently, the UK is following a vaccination status scheme for international arrivals. The guidelines for travelling from a nation that is not on the red list shall depend on the individual vaccination status. These rules will change from one region to another, therefore, applicants can refer to the travel guide and rules published on the GOV.UK official website to gather updated information.
Visa Application
Students need a Tier 4 Visa (that is, General Student Visa) if they intend to study a full-time course in the UK, or else they need a “Student Visitor Visa” if they opt to study for 6 months or less. For a Tier 4 visa, students need to pay £310 for a full-time degree and £83 for a six-month Student Visitor visa.
Visa Interview
Students will be invited for a visa interview at a Visa Application Centre or may be asked for a virtual interview via a video link. Primarily, at a Visa interview, students might be asked questions mainly regarding the university, chosen subject/course, and the financial condition.
Students will need
– An updated passport
– English Language proficiency test result (IELTS test or its equivalent)
– Evidence of how students are going to fund the education
– A result of tuberculosis test (for some nations)
– CAS form
– Receipt of payment of Immigration Health Surcharge
– Evidence of eligibility to fund the course
– Academic certificates as detailed in the CAS form
– Birth certificate
Things to know to study undergraduate courses in the UK
International students who intend to take admittance in an undergraduate program such as BA, BSc, BEng/MEng have to present their Standard XII exam results. Certain universities might ask for a 75% cut-off score in the main subjects for direct admission. Again, for medical courses, the cut-off score might be 85%, although it is not a standard instruction. International students with an A-Levels educational background may need a specific number of A in some selected subjects. Universities also have alternatives for those learners too who do not meet the eligibility criteria for admission.
Things to know to study postgraduate courses in the UK
International students who aspire to study postgraduate programs such as MSc and MA normally require 3 years’ Bachelor’s Degree with at least 60% scores. Learners with 4 years of bachelor’s degree can take direct admission to the postgraduate diploma. For certain special programs such as MBA, students might require International students to show work experience.
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